How to Grow Your Photography Business for A Successful Brand!

Drone photography of a little girl wearing an ombre dress at the beach showing how you can grow your photography business to the next level.

As a photographer and business owner, I invest a lot of time and effort into acquiring new clients and growing my business. I know firsthand the importance of investing in tools and guidance from other professionals. I wouldn’t be half the entrepreneur I am today without the tools I’ve learned from them. If you’re wondering how to grow your photography business, here is my advice – all learned from experience! 

5 Ways to Grow Your Photography Business

Hire a Business Coach

A business coach can provide one-on-one counseling about growing and managing your business while keeping your clients coming back for more. Kyle Goldie is a phenomenal business professional and former photographer who knows the ins and outs of the photography industry. He’s created his Mastermind program to guide photographers on their website, SEO strategies, client communication, editing, and more. 

Using one-on-one coaching, pre-recorded lessons, group coaching multiple times per week, and more, he helps photographers take control of their unique business. My business is infinitely stronger and more successful than before, thanks to Kyle and his Mastermind program. I’m a better photographer and entrepreneur for it!

Hone in On Your Editing

I used to spend hours and hours editing a single shoot because I believed it was important for the integrity of my business and my artistry. I didn’t realize how draining it was and how my final delivered albums lacked a consistent look. Instead, I invested in one of Kyle Goldie’s Lightroom presets, meticulously designed to make every photo look bright and beautiful. 

Having a preset makes your photos look cohesive and saves you valuable time by editing with a single click. Plus, when I purchased the preset, I could add a consultation with Kyle to tweak it just a bit to match my artistic preferences. Now, I can edit my photos in half the time, and they look better than ever.


Have an SEO Optimized Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies help to drive traffic to your website using keywords related to your business. Learning to take advantage of these tools can drastically increase the number of people who get to see your work and engage with your brand. 

Kyle Goldie has created customizable ShowIt templates that look beautiful and already integrate SEO structure. Convert more website views to actual clients with a website that looks as gorgeous as it is functional! Plus, if you buy a template and use my coupon code, DOTT10, you can save up to 10%!


Screenshot of a high end website showing how you can grow your photography business.


Outsource Your Blogging

SEO-integrated blogs are a great way to help potential clients find your website. Using topics related to your specialty, the idea is that anyone searching for those topics will find the content they’re looking for on your blog, bringing them to your website. The only problem is that researching and writing blogs takes time, and it can be hard to prioritize creating quality content. 

However, you can outsource your blog writing with Rokee and Co. for great blogs that are relevant to your business and will draw in like-minded clients. If you already have solid blogs, they can even help you revamp them to incorporate better SEO strategies. I love using their services for my blogs, and I’ve seen a great return on my website traffic!

How to Grow Your Photography Business

If you’re wondering how to grow your photography business, I can’t recommend these tools and services highly enough! Take it from me – my business is so much stronger than ever, and I can spend more time building relationships with my clients and doing what I love best – taking photos!

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