Kyle Goldie’s Lightroom Presets For Portraits Changed My Work!

Beautiful girl twirling at the beach at golden hour edited using Kyle Goldie's presets for portraits.

As photographers, we are artists. Our pictures are what set us apart from one another, expressing an artistic vision totally unique to our individual selves. We take great pride in delivering our final products because we know they’ll be treasured by individuals and families for years to come. It’s also why we spend so much time meticulously editing and perfecting every individual image. But Lightroom Presets for portraits can make editing your photos a whole different ball game! 

A preset is a saved group of editing settings that make editing your photos as easy as a single click. Your images will be instantly transformed, creating a cohesive album aesthetic signature to your style. 

However, creating the right preset can be extremely challenging. What works great for one set of photos may not work at all with the next. Luckily, there are photographers who have created Lightroom presets that can be purchased, saving you time and helping you deliver perfect albums time and time again. 

Kyle Goldie has created a Lightroom Preset for portraits that is elegant, timeless, and blissfully easy to use. Keep reading to learn more about the preset and how it changed my business for the better! 


Beautiful girl wearing a fancy dress at the beach edited using Kyle Goldie's presets for portraits.


About Kyle Goldie’s Lightroom Presets for Portraits

Kyle Goldie has made a career of helping photographers strengthen and grow their businesses. Whether it’s through one-on-one coaching, website templates, or creating the perfect portrait Lightroom presets, hundreds of photographers have benefitted from his expertise and education. 

Kyle’s “Goldie Signature” Lightroom preset applies to literally any lighting scenario. Making it effortlessly simple to edit your photos with a single click. He spent years creating this perfect one-of-a-kind preset that is focused on skin tones and not trendy filter colors. Your pictures will look timeless and cohesive, providing your brand with aesthetic consistency that your clients will love. 

You receive two presets with the package, and I can attest they will absolutely cut down your editing time exponentially. Just make a few tweaks to the white balance and exposure, and you’ll have an incredible photo that flatters every subject in your portraits. 

My Experience With The Presets

As a photographer, I’ve always hand-edited my own images using Lightroom and Photoshop. To me, individualized editing was part of what made my photography Fine Art and made me feel like I was delivering my customers the artwork they deserved. However, I didn’t realize that this mindset was ultimately making my photos lack consistency. Kyle’s “Goldie Signature” Lightroom portrait preset was just the thing my photos needed to look not only glowingly beautiful but also consistent. Plus, I was able to book a one-on-one consultation with him, where he helped me tweak the preset for my own preferences. Ultimately, I was able to reduce my editing time by more than 50%!! 

Plus, Kyle’s preset comes with a money-back guarantee. If you try it and don’t love it within the first seven days, you can get your full money back, simple as that. What have you got to lose?!



Lightroom Presets For Portraits

If you are a photographer who finds that your pictures lack a cohesive aesthetic or you spend way too much time editing individual images, I highly recommend a Lightroom preset for portraits. If you’re looking for a one-stop, enhances-almost-every-picture preset, you must look into Kyle Goldie’s “Goldie Signature.” Want to see the results? Considering giving it a try? Then check it out for yourself!!


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