Cy-Fair Birth Center for a Positive and Warm Birth Experience

Expectant momma with her eyes closed inside a round bath tub at cy fair birth center

So much of modern-day birth feels like a copy-and-paste situation. Go to this many appointments, come in when you feel contractions, follow exact hospital protocol during delivery, and then spend the next few days eating cafeteria food and watching HGTV reruns as your baby goes through who knows how many tests. This is why birth centers are so incredible. At birth centers, you can go through labor in the best way for you. This personalized approach to care gives you a better understanding of the process. It allows you to bond with your baby in a way streamlined medicine doesn’t always allow. If you’ve been thinking about this more natural approach, I would love to tell you about Cy-Fair Birth Center

About the Cy-Fair Birth Center

Cy-Fair Birth Center was started in 2012 to give Houston families more options for delivery. Patty Ghaly primarily runs the center. After Patty completed her childbirth training, she began to practice globally. She’s been there for births from Abu Dhabi and Egypt all the way to our wonderful city. Patty is certified and licensed in midwifery and is CRP- and NRP-certified. At Cy-Fair, she remains passionate about giving mothers the best experience for them, whether that means a hospital birth or a delivery in the cozy birth center. 


At Cy-Fair Birth Center, you’ll work with a midwife throughout your pregnancy. The midwives combine traditional techniques with modern medicine to provide personalized yet evidence-based care. You’ll have more access to your midwife than you would with a typical OB. You’ll have longer, more flexible appointments and can reach them after hours with any concerns. They’ll help you build the best birth plan and empower you as your due date gets closer. 


On top of the fabulous midwives, you’ll be given a choice to labor at the birth center. The birth center is in a warm, home-like environment, making the process far less clinical than hospital birth. You can walk around, snack, or lie down as needed. Once it’s time to push, you’ll have access to the birthing tub to help with pain relief. 


Cy-Fair Birth Center is passionate about postpartum care. The center schedules five postpartum appointments following labor. This is to check on your recovery as well as your emotional status. Early discovery is one of the best treatments for postpartum depression. The center tries to catch it as quickly as possible. 


The center offers Hypnobaby classes to provide more information on how to use water to aid your labor. The six-week course gives you a wealth of information for a more relaxing delivery. 

Couple in a birth center with rocking chair in the foreground

Cy-Fair Birth Center

If you’ve been looking for more options for your delivery, you will positively adore Cy-Fair Birth Center. With a passionate staff and a warm environment, your birth experience will be everything you could hope for! 


As a maternity photographer and a mother myself, I love getting to be here for Houston families. While I adore providing recommendations for my favorite places, I love taking gorgeous, light-filled photos you’ll cherish forever. Whether you’re looking for more motherhood content or want pictures to create memories that will last for years, I’d love to chat more! Contact me today. Don’t forget to view more motherhood resources below while you’re here!

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